Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ding a ding dong

Did Gobbiebag with Shampoo. Went to check on my NPC, and then an LS mate called me down to Garlaige to party. But only had one slot, so I logged out of Mule and went.

Ding 34. Ding 35. Ding 36. Ding 37.

37WHM. Rock.

After a brief break, decided it was too early for bed. Gonna run down to Windurst and level up my BST duo in Sarutabaruta to farm up Cornettes for some Windurst fame. I didn't have enough Bastok fame for Teleport-Dem either. :(

Gonna get more corn this weekend and finish up my teleport scrolls, then push my BST onto 20, at the very least (Wings of Fury here I come).

I also have to work on my RSE very soon. Not this week though, I'm in Gusgen in 6 hours, then Shakrami. I need at least one RSE to be in Ordelle's or I won't do it. >_> I might just level THF to 30 on both of them and pick all my RSE.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Got 18BLM (about halfway to 19). Party kept breaking up and recruiting new people. I think we had 14 people overall, jumping in and out.

Got Mule to bring me some scrolls (Shock, Blizzard, Rasp). Although I have a full sub for WHM... I'm gonna keep levelling to 20. It really sucks not being able to OP in and out of places.

Even though I unlocked my NPCs, I'm not going to summon them just yet. I'm going to "Let's chat." with them every day to raise my affinity with them. The first time I summon them (probably 30DRG) I will probably be able to keep them out a long time. I hope, anyway.

Also, did Gobbiebag I with Mule. 35 slots ftw.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

{Signal Pearl} {Found it!}

Defeated the dragon neatly. Beat him before my Hundred Fists wore off. Having to re-engage sucked, and the NPCs popped in right as I was Cure III-ing Mule. So the cutscene interrupted my casting, and the Cure I tossed after the CS interrupted her re-engaging... so I wasted about 10 seconds.

Got my cutscenes. Mahoyaya is adorable. :) Wish I'd made Liabelle a Mithra instead of an Elvaan; I had an Elvaan NPC on my old character, also named Liabelle. I wanted to relive my old glory days, I guess. But Mithra do have playful dialogue. Elvaan are serious. I won't get a Hume or a Galka NPC, so I'll never know how they talk. Heh.

Tonight, I'm going to go PL Mule's DRG to 14 (she's already 10 so it'll be easy), then duo with BLM DRG to 18. Or maybe just party with BLM/WHM and get myself to 18 (or just go on to 20 so I'll be done with Valkurm). I've got to get Warp, now that I'm in spitting range of Teleports.


Traded 120 Millioncorn on each character. Activated Healing the Land, set my HP to NSandoria, Outpost Warped to Valkurm, and ran down to Gusgen.

Wights are Tough down here, this would be a great place to duo. Later. I'm here on a mission. (Well, technically a quest. Bah dum bum. <_<)

My Sneak lasts from start all the way to the hole. Awesome. I Invisible us both, and before I'm done casting it on Shampoo, it's already worn off on Mule. Oh well. I refresh Invisible on both of us, and fall down.

Mule gets stuck behind a rock as I run Shampoo to the ??? for the quest. Her Invisible drops before I place the seal. I grab her controller and run her to the ???, and then Instant Warp Scroll both of them, just as a bomb nears. Close shave.

I return, get both scrolls, then Outpost to Buburimu (Shampoo doesn't have the Mea crystal, a fact I found out last night while on my way to Al Zahbi -_-). I get her Mea crystal, then chocobo up to Jueno, flags up and LFP. I don't have enough Windurst fame for Teleport-Mea, so I'll wait. I get to Jueno, and LFP for an hour. Then I log.

Then I remember I wanted to fight the Signal Pearl Dragon in Ghelsba. I'm logging back on. Hope I win.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

{Al Zahbi} {Found it!}

"Last night" (being 1:00-4:00 AM this morning) I got to 33WHM / 32MNK with Shampoo and Mule (respectively). I got a Purple Belt (FINALLY), and am temporarily done with Yhoator.

This morning (being 1:00 PM this afternoon), I rode the ferry to Al Zahbi, and spent a half hour accumulating and sending Millioncorn to Mule using Shampoo.

I'm going to fame up and go out to quest my Teleport scrolls (learn them on Shampoo, sell them with Mule). Then I'm going to make that final push to 37WHM / 37MNK. Then I will begin the Advanced Job journey.

I will probably do Sh:DRG/Mu:WHM for awhile, then do Sh:RDM/Mu:DRG for awhile, and when both DRG are equal, I will duo DRG/WHM with NPCs. I will also work on cooking; I will not play DRG/WHM without juices. I will at least get my DRG to 40 so I can start burning up my Beastman Seals. DRG are gods of the 40-cap BCNMs. I am also interested in duoing BLM40s, but that will have to wait.

(Actually, now that I think about it, I might do Sh:BLM/Mu:RNG for awhile; I need to get Shampoo's BLM to 17 before I get WHM to 37, so I can tele-whore during slow days for gil.)

I am also thinking of doing BRD/WHM with Shampoo and COR/RNG with Mule. Then duo-party with them. I will have to refine my dual-boxing skills for such an intensive support pair. But BRD/COR parties rock so hard, I'm willing to try.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Minor Accomplishments

Got the initial work done on Magicite. I'll just have to slink through the beastman strongholds and view the cutscenes, and I'll get my Airship Pass.

Did the Tenshodo Invite quest. Sold them.

Did Drain and Warp with both chars. Sold one of each, used the others on Shampoo's BLM.

Collected all six subjob items and got my {Boarding pass} for Aht Urghan. I'll probably go unlock BLU/COR sometime this week.

My main goal has shifted to getting 36~37 WHM this week. After I get Teleports and can be self-sufficient travel-wise, I can switch focus to another endeavor.

[edit]While in Jeuno, I passed a guy and checked him. I saw he had the Tarut cards, so I went and started the quest. I got the Fool and the Hermit, traded with myself, then traded him one. It was the last one he needed, so he offered me his spare. I got two Kings. Woot.

Now I need Death... and the other one I always forget. >_>

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I did all my pre-mission stuff for Rank 4, and when my friends got to my place, we did the Porphyrion fight. Rank 4 ftw. Time to get started on Magicite. I can pretty much solo that if I'm careful enough.

My friends helped me do the Namorodo fight for my NPC fellow. One of them is a Tarutaru(F) that is the same model as Shantotto (my fave NPC ^.^), and the other is an Elvaan(F) that looks like Mule but with black hair instead of white.

Other than that, not much. Got 31WHM. I'll probably get legitimate parties this week and try to get 37 so I can take a break. I gotta start questing my Teleports.

I quested Warp on Shampoo. I quested Drain on Mule, and need to run her to Bastok to get it as well. Even though I want to do 40BLM with the both of them for the purposes of Manaburning Under Observation, I think I'll just sell Mule's scrolls. They'll be 40 for the BCNM and I can just Warp II her out with Shampoo.

I dunno for sure, just yet.