Thursday, August 23, 2007

Four months

In the four months since my last post, I've gone from 57DRG to 60DRG, then levelled another job all the way to 56 (BST and BRD), and Waif went from ALMOST having an advanced job, to being 57WAR 56PLD.

Wow. Not a bad run at all.

Also, both Waif and Shampoo have a Scorpion Harness and Peacock Charms (though Waif is exclusively Parade Gorget (+1 Refresh while HP > 85%) while on PLD).

Shampoo is set to get Lv70, and Waif is set to get Lv60. The next Limit Break is a joke, though (seals in the three beastman strongholds), and the one after that even moreso (trade 3 Kindred Seals). So... yeah. :) Can't wait to see where I am four months from NOW.

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The Broken Fortress

Quick update: 60DRG 56BRD 56BST, and Waif is 57WAR 56PLD 32NIN.

Activated Teleport-Vahzl quest for Shampoo (thought I did for Waif too).Went to Fei'yin and farmed a key for both of them, then it turns out Waif didn't have the quest. :\ Got a Light Opal instead. I went back to Sandy, got Shampoo's scroll and used it on his WHM, and activated the quest with Waif.

I decided to not go back for Waif's scroll just yet; if I level Shampoo's RDM, I'll go grab it while I get my AF there. If not... the scroll's only 100k, and farming a key is annoying. >_<

I'm about 3000 tnl to 57BST (Scorpion Harness time :D), but 4000 tnl to 57PLD.

I keep getting camped over in Garlaige Citadel, but it is the best camp for this level (bombs exp is very nice, and the bats are DC and the beetles low-T so they are all easy charm fodder). When I ding, I might try my hand at the Knight Crawlers again (they drop the Nest Coffer Key I need for BST, and Waif needs a Nest Coffer for WAR AND PLD). They were VT last time I tried to fight them, and the Rumblers (my only nearby pets) are low DC and bad pets for a VT fight. It was taking me about 4 Rumblers to take down a single Knight.

They announced an update wherein BST wouldn't lose 30% exp by having a charmed pet, so I am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY looking forward to exping with that.