Got Shampoo's BST to 20. Got buffer, then grabbed my orbs and headed to Colocolo.
1st run -- Absolute joke. Only had 1 mischarm. Beat it in 9 minutes. (Mismacroed on the last bat, and charmed it rather than WS'd it... -_-)
Got Ganko, Platoon Spear, Invisible, and Bat Fang. -_- junk.
2nd run -- Absolute massacre. Only had 1 charm. And that was after Shampoo died, and I had all three bats on me. I had less than 20 hp when the charm occurred. I was screwed.
No drops, cause I died.
2/1/0 on Wings of Fury.
Next time, I'm doing two runs, and blowing one 2hour / run. Or, bring a friend to cure me. >_>