Thursday, December 14, 2006


Got DRG close to 42 in Behemoth's Dominion. Garlaige was packed, which is a shame; the bats and beetles there are PERFECT. The banishing gate camp was so nice, we got Chain 6 and didn't rest our MP (thanks to juices) for about an hour.

We decided to take a break on DRG, only using it for BCNM purposes, after doing the DRG AF weapon quest.

We're going to focus on BST for the time being. I'm going to PL them to 20BST, then the trioing begins. I hope it's neater than I imagine... it seems like it will be harder to trio, at least until we get jug pets.

I got BLU to 6 while Genmo and Etcetera did a Besieged. They're going to start doing their Assaults, so I guess I need to start doing some quests so I can get Assault points too. That Assault gear is nice, I can't wait.

Still haven't learned a single BLU spell. :(

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Got 40DRG last week. Did 36-40 in one night, but it was a /long/ night. Heh.

Did a whole bunch of BCNMs. 3 Royal Jellies, about 13 Under Observations. Only wiped twice (on our first set, and then when kiter forgot his Powder Boots). No great drops for me yet. Etcetera got Utsusemi: Ni twice. I got Erase once.

Going to go exp again soon and try to get a Peacock Charm. I'm really looking forward to it.